- February 2005 (Revised November 2012)
- HBS Case Collection
Chuck's Wagon Inc.
By: Paul W. Marshall and Derek Lewis
This case describes the experiences of an HBS student as he takes on the challege of transitioning from an intern to a president at a small consumer packaged goods firm in Southern Texas. This HBS student is confronted with the opportunity to perform an operational and financial turnaround at the company within one year. Over his short tenure, he is forced to deal with several critical immediate issues that include product line shutdowns, immediate measurement systems, and executive team building.
Consumer Goods; Operations Strategy; Executive Development; Strategy; Small Business; Production; Transformation; Management Skills; Financial Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Texas
Marshall, Paul W., and Derek Lewis. "Chuck's Wagon Inc." Harvard Business School Case 805-100, February 2005. (Revised November 2012.)