- October 2003 (Revised February 2004)
- HBS Case Collection
Cape Wind
By: John T. Gourville and Kerry Herman
Cape Wind has proposed placing a 170-tower wind farm, with each tower more than 400-feet tall, in Nantucket Sound. Not surprisingly, public reaction is mixed. Some view the wind farm as clean, renewable energy. Others view it as an eyesore and a desecration of a valued public resource. Other attempts at wind farms in the United States have run into similar resistance. Although the public can agree that wind power is a good idea, no one wants a wind farm in their community. How can firms overcome this type of resistance to change?
Change Management; Renewable Energy; Consumer Behavior; Problems and Challenges; Natural Environment; Behavior; United States
Gourville, John T., and Kerry Herman. "Cape Wind." Harvard Business School Case 504-055, October 2003. (Revised February 2004.)