- July 2003
- HBS Case Collection
De La Salle Academy
By: Thomas J. DeLong and David Ager
Brother Brian Carty, headmaster and founder of De La Salle Academy, a private school for academically talented, economically disadvantaged children in grades six to eight in New York City, is scheduled to meet with the school's board of directors to discuss how the school and its education concept can be extended to more children. Over 750 children apply each year for the 50 spaces at De La Salle, and most have few other options if rejected but to enroll in the New York Public School system. The school relies on the financial support of the local community and charitable foundations to cover operating expenses, as most of the students are unable to pay the tuition of approximately $9,000 a year to attend. Not only do the school's graduates go on to elite preparatory and independent schools in the Northeast, but they also attend some of the most well-regarded colleges in the country, including Brown, Harvard, Stanford, and Yale.
Middle School Education; Corporate Accountability; Governing and Advisory Boards; Organizational Design; Management Succession; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Community Relations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Education Industry
DeLong, Thomas J., and David Ager. "De La Salle Academy." Harvard Business School Case 404-024, July 2003.