- January 2003 (Revised November 2005)
- HBS Case Collection
Endeavor-Determining A Growth Strategy
By: William A. Sahlman and Michael J. Roberts
Describes the progress of a nonprofit organization, Endeavor, focused on nurturing entrepreneurship in emerging markets. At the time of the case, it has successfully expanded to five Latin American countries and is contemplating the next phase in its growth. Specifically, it must decide how quickly and to which countries/regions to expand. In addition, the organization has been successful in raising money at the local level to support its country affiliates, but has had more issues related to raising the funding for its operations in New York. Thus, a key question is which funding model to use to support these headquarters operations. Includes a good deal of information regarding the prevalence of entrepreneurship in various countries, as well as economic data on a great variety of countries. A rewritten version of an earlier case.
Motivation and Incentives; Nonprofit Organizations; Development Economics; Entrepreneurship; Emerging Markets; Policy; Growth and Development Strategy
Sahlman, William A., and Michael J. Roberts. "Endeavor-Determining A Growth Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 803-126, January 2003. (Revised November 2005.)