- January 2003 (Revised July 2005)
- HBS Case Collection
Finding a CEO for the School District of Philadelphia: Searching for a Savior?
Following the largest state takeover of a local public school district in U.S. history, a new governing body must find a CEO to effect a large-scale turnaround in the Philadelphia school district. This case examines the context of large urban public schools and explores the educational and general management challenges facing leaders at the senior management and governing levels. Covers issues such as the politicization of urban school boards, school finance, nontraditional candidates for superintendencies, privatization and educational management organizations, improvement of educational outcomes, state-mandated testing, and stakeholder management.
Childress, Stacey M., Stig Leschly, and Purnima Kochikar. "Finding a CEO for the School District of Philadelphia: Searching for a Savior?" Harvard Business School Case 803-072, January 2003. (Revised July 2005.)