- December 2002 (Revised December 2017)
- HBS Case Collection
Teaching Old Companies New Tricks: The Challenge of Managing New Streams Within the Mainstream
Describes the challenge of starting new ventures or new activities in established companies, especially if they diverge from the mainstream of ongoing commitments. Fledgling ventures require a different kind of management that acknowledges their uncertainty, intensity, and need/desire for freedom from mainstream constraints. One challenge is how integrated or not the new activity should be with the rest of the organization. Provides criteria for making this choice and offers some examples.
Business Units; Teaching; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Business or Company Management; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty; Corporate Strategy
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "Teaching Old Companies New Tricks: The Challenge of Managing New Streams Within the Mainstream." Harvard Business School Background Note 303-083, December 2002. (Revised December 2017.)