- February 2002
- HBS Case Collection
Free Internet Initiative in LaGrange, Georgia
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Mark Keil and Garrett W. Meader
LaGrange, GA was the first city in the world to offer free Internet access to citizens. The city manager and mayor must assess the project and decide whether to continue. This case chronicles the city's efforts to build a telecommunications infrastructure and offer broadband Internet access to its citizens. Students are presented with information concerning adoption and use of the system and must decide whether the project has been successful and whether further continuation is warranted.
Internet and the Web; Infrastructure; Technology Adoption; Cost vs Benefits; Information Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Georgia (state, US)
McFarlan, F. Warren, Mark Keil, and Garrett W. Meader. "Free Internet Initiative in LaGrange, Georgia." Harvard Business School Case 302-041, February 2002.