- July 2001 (Revised October 2002)
- HBS Case Collection
Centra Software
By: John A. Deighton and Laetitia Pouliquen
Centra is a pioneer in software eLearning. It is debating how to modify its go-to-market strategy, adding telesales to improve sales force productivity. At the same time, its market is evolving, and management thinks it may be about to "cross the chasm" in Geoffrey Moore's terminology. Should it "fish where the fish are biting" or should it concentrate on the enterprise customer and exclude small and mid-size corporations? If a shakeout is coming, how can Centra ensure that it either survives or is acquired by one of the survivors?
Applications and Software; Learning; Emerging Markets; Growth Management; Salesforce Management; Conflict Management; Information Technology Industry; Education Industry
Deighton, John A., and Laetitia Pouliquen. "Centra Software." Harvard Business School Case 502-009, July 2001. (Revised October 2002.) (request a courtesy copy.)