- February 2001 (Revised August 2003)
- HBS Case Collection
United Grain Growers Limited (A)
By: Peter Tufano and Joshua Musher
United Grain Growers Ltd. (UGG), a Canadian grain distributor, audited its exposure to a number of key risks, especially the impact of weather on grain volumes and operating income. Understanding these risks was crucial because the company was in the midst of a major modernization and diversification program. But although UGG already managed traditional risks through a variety of control processes, it was still faced with the problem of how to deal with the biggest risk; the weather.
Risk Management; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Weather; Distribution Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Canada
Tufano, Peter, and Joshua Musher. "United Grain Growers Limited (A)." Harvard Business School Case 201-015, February 2001. (Revised August 2003.)