- December 1999
- HBS Case Collection
Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A4): Sun Peak: Helen Yang and Mark Walden on "Running Sun on Sun"
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Jane Roessner
SunPeak was the largest project Sun Microsystems, Inc. had ever undertaken: shifting Sun's entire business transaction system from a mainframe-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to a Sun-based system. Making the shift would be complicated and financially risky. But the benefits would be substantial: not only would the system give Sun a robust, flexible, and scaleable platform for the rapidly growing company, it would also mean that "Sun was running on Sun."
Projects; Transformation; Organizational Structure; Business Strategy; Complexity; Risk and Uncertainty; Success; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Technology Industry; Computer Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Jane Roessner. Sun Microsystems, Inc. (A4): Sun Peak: Helen Yang and Mark Walden on "Running Sun on Sun". Harvard Business School Case 300-078, December 1999.