- 2008
- Learning and Performance Matter
When Learning and Performance Are at Odds: Confronting the Tension
By: Sara Jean Singer and A. C. Edmondson
This chapter explores complexities of the relationship between learning and performance. We start with the general proposition that learning promotes performance and then describe several challenges for researchers and managers who wish to study or promote learning in support of performance improvement. We also review psychological and interpersonal risks of learning behavior, suggest conditions under which exploratory learning and experimentation are most critical, and describe conditions and leader behaviors conducive to supporting this kind of learning in organizations. We illustrate our ideas with examples from field studies across numerous industry contexts, and conclude with a discussion of implications of this complex relationship for performance management.
Singer, Sara Jean, and A. C. Edmondson. "When Learning and Performance Are at Odds: Confronting the Tension." In Learning and Performance Matter, edited by Prem Kumar and Phil Ramsey. Singapore: World Scientific, 2008.