- May 1997
- HBS Case Collection
Product Development Performance, Instructor's Note
By: Marco Iansiti
Focuses on what constitutes product development performance and how it is assessed. Performance, as explained in both the note and in the materials for this three-session module, refers to the performance of both the product and the organizational process producing it. Moreover, the two are not independent but should instead reflect each other. At the same time, there is no one, best, approach to achieving superior performance. However, as the course materials and the module note emphasize, excellence stems from the careful design and implementation of the activities constituting the three critical foundations introduced in the previous module, Product Development Foundations.
Management Practices and Processes; Infrastructure; Product Development; Production; Performance Evaluation
Iansiti, Marco. "Product Development Performance, Instructor's Note." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 697-108, May 1997.