- 2007
Negotiation Genius
By: Deepak Malhotra and M. H. Bazerman
Whether you've “seen it all” or are just starting out, Negotiation Genius will dramatically improve your negotiating skills and confidence. Drawing on decades of behavioral research plus the experience of thousands of business clients, the authors take the mystery out of preparing for and executing negotiations—whether they involve multimillion-dollar deals or improving your next salary offer.
Experience and Expertise; Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Tactics; Behavior
Malhotra, Deepak, and M. H. Bazerman. Negotiation Genius. Bantam Books, 2007. (Winner of International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution. CPR Award for Outstanding Book presented by International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution. Published in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Italian.)