- February 1996
- HBS Case Collection
Eastman Chemical Company: Building a Board from Scratch
By: Jay W. Lorsch and Samanta Graff
Eastman Chemical Co. spun off from Kodak in 1993. The CEO of Eastman, Earnest Deavenport did not want the new company's board any members of the Kodak board to include, so he initiated a deliberate and thorough process to build an entirely new board that he hoped would be on the cutting edge. This case describes the selection process and documents the backgrounds of the chosen directors. Discusses the board's first year at work, and it records the reflections "one year in" of Deavenport and some of the board members.
Lorsch, Jay W., and Samanta Graff. "Eastman Chemical Company: Building a Board from Scratch." Harvard Business School Case 496-043, February 1996.