- 2004
- Swords and Sustenance: The Economics of Security in Belarus and Ukraine
Interpreting Interdependence: National Security and the Energy Trade of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus
By: Rawi Abdelal
Energy; Trade; International Relations; National Security; Globalized Economies and Regions; Globalized Markets and Industries; Energy Industry; Russia; Ukraine; Belarus
Abdelal, Rawi. "Interpreting Interdependence: National Security and the Energy Trade of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus." In Swords and Sustenance: The Economics of Security in Belarus and Ukraine, edited by Robert Legvold and Celeste Wallander, 101–127. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. (Also published in Russian as "Razlichnoe ponimanie vzaimozavisimosti: natsional'naia bezopasnost' i torgovlia energoresursami mezhdu Rossiei, Ukrainoi, i Belarus'iu." In Mechi i orala: ekonomika natsional'noi bezopasnosti Belarusi i Ukrainy, ed. Robert Legvold and Celeste Wallander. Moscow: Interdialect, 2004, pp. 125-156.)