- October 1995 (Revised May 2006)
- HBS Case Collection
Andersen Consulting - EMEAI: Reorganization for Revitalization
By: Ashish Nanda and Michael Y. Yoshino
Vernon Ellis, managing partner of Andersen Consulting -- Europe, Middle East, Africa, and India (AC -- EMEAI), is considering how best to reorganize. AC -- EMEAI has grown rapidly over the past five years to become Europe's largest consulting operation. However, Ellis feels that the organization needs to be reconfigured if it has to continue on its trajectory of rapid growth. Each of the various alternatives that he is considering offers intriguing potential benefits but also carries considerable risks.
Restructuring; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business or Company Management; Organizational Design; Growth Management; Cost vs Benefits; Leading Change; Management Teams; Consulting Industry; Europe; Africa; India; Middle East
Nanda, Ashish, and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Andersen Consulting - EMEAI: Reorganization for Revitalization." Harvard Business School Case 396-007, October 1995. (Revised May 2006.)