- President, Grupo Arcelor Mittal (Acindar) (Steel and Mining)
“It is important to clearly define social responsibility. We have always upheld a very active and responsible policy in this field. We make mistakes, and a lot of things still need improving, but corporate social responsibility is a major corporate concept.”
Arturo Acevedo relays the history of ACINDAR from its development as a national steel company under his grandfather, to its joint ventures and partnerships with Thyssen AG, Gurmendi Group, Belgo Group, and Arcelor Mittal. He comments at length on the steel shortage in Argentina after WWII, a shortcoming to which ACINDAR responded by temporarily focusing on the domestic market. Acevedo discusses the distinctive challenges of doing business in Argentina due to long-term political and economic volatility, and posits the necessity of establishing international partnerships to survive periods of national instability, including the 1998 financial crisis in Argentina.
Additional Resources
- Acindar and Its Corporate Volunteer Program [Social Enterprise Knowledge Network]
- ArcelorMittal (A) [Ivey Publishing]
- ArcelorMittal (B) [Ivey Publishing]
- ArcelorMittal (C) [Ivey Publishing]
- Arcelor Mittal Takeover [Insead]
- The Steel War: Mittal vs. Arcelor [Insead]
- The Takeover of Arcelor by Mittal Steel: Change in a Mature Global Industry (A) [Insead]
- The Takeover of Arcelor by Mittal Steel: Change in a Mature Global Industry (B)- Industrial Strategy [Insead]
- María Inés Barbero, “Business Groups in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Argentina,” in Geoffrey Jones and Andrea Lluch, eds., The Impact of Globalization on Argentina and Chile: Business Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar, 2015
- Nuria Inés Giniger, “La praxis empresarial en la configuración de una ciudad industrial: El caso de la ciudad siderúrgica Villa Constitución,” Intersecciones antropol 13, no. 2 (2012): 439-477
- Diego Beretta, ed., El libro de Barrio Acindar: Historia, identidad y perspectiva. Rosario: Editorial Municipal de Rosario, 2011
- Daniel Azpiazu, Eduardo Basualdo, and Matías Kulfas, “La industria siderúrgica en Argentina y Brasil durante las últimas décadas,” FETIA-CTA paper, Buenos Aires, 2005
- Marta Novick and Héctor Palomino, Estrategia empresarial y respuesta sindical frente a la reestructuración económica: estudio de caso. Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 1993
- Angel Elías, Las lecciones del caso Acindar. U.N.R. Editora, 1991
- Historia De Una Voluntad De Acero: Acindar. Libreria Anticuaria Libros Del Mundo
Interview Citation Format
"Interview with Arturo Acevedo, interviewed by Andrea Lluch, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 29, 2008, Creating Emerging Markets Project, Baker Library Historical Collections, Harvard Business School, http://www.hbs.edu/creating-emerging-markets/."