Our Mission & Team

We are working with scholars, business leaders, and community leaders around the world to advance our understanding of business' role in society and to develop a thriving ecosystem for translating that research into action.

Our Mission & Objectives

BiGS's mission is to advance our understanding of business' role in society and to develop a thriving ecosystem for translating that research into action. To achieve this mission, we are focused on three long-term objectives:

Our Team

  • A headshot of Debora Spar.

    Debora L. Spar

    Jaime and Josefina Chua Tiampo Professor Business Administration Senior Associate Dean for Business in Global Society

    Debora L. Spar is the Jaime and Josefina Chua Tiampo Professor Business Administration and Senior Associate Dean for Business and Global Society. She previously served as President of Barnard College (2008-2017) and President and CEO of Lincoln Center for Performing Arts (2017-18). Before joining Barnard, Spar spent 17 years on the HBS faculty, where she taught courses that include Business, Government and International Economy and Managing International Trade and Investment. A prolific writer, Spar's books including Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Discovery, Chaos and Wealth from the Compass the Internet, The Baby Business, and Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection.

  • Headshot of Drew Keller

    Drew Keller


    Drew Keller is the Director of BiGS. He is in charge of setting the direction of the Institute, in collaboration with the Senior Associate Dean, and leads the implementation of BiGS’ strategy.

    Drew has worked on several business and human rights issues over his career. He led Open For Business, where he worked with business leaders and activists to collectively advocate for LGBT+ equality in challenging regions. He has also worked on developing new approaches for companies to account for their progress toward paying living wages in their supply chains with Shift and HBS’s Impact Weighted Accounts Project. Drew started his career as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

  • Headshot of Barbara DeLollis.

    Barbara DeLollis

    Head of Communications

    Barbara DeLollis is the Head of Communications. She oversees BiGS’s communications and content strategy to equip leaders with actionable insights to inform business’ role in society.

  • Headshot of Amram Migdal

    Amram Migdal

    Head of Knowledge

    Amram Migdal is the Head of Knowledge. He leads BiGS’s efforts to build a strong intellectual community of scholars studying business’ role in society and supports the development of new research initiatives at BiGS.

  • Headshot of Sarah Gazzaniga

    Sarah Gazzaniga

    Programming Manager

    Sarah Gazzaniga serves as Programming Manager. She plans and manages all of BiGS’s roundtables around the world and works with executives to create BiGS learning networks.

  • Headshot of Mariana Castaneda

    Mariana Castaneda

    Digital Communications Manager

    Mariana Castaneda is the team’s Digital Communications Manager. They engage leaders around the world by overseeing all of BiGS’s digital channels.

  • Headshot of Olivia Barba

    Olivia Barba


    As Coordinator, Olivia Barba oversees logistics and planning for on-campus events and serves as the key point of contact for BiGS Fellows.