Harvard Business School has a long legacy of energy and innovation that we build upon every day to redefine the way management is taught and learned, and to inspire the future of business.

Key Start Dates
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration established (the world's first MBA program) with a faculty of 15, 33 regular students, and 47 special students.
The Doctoral Program was established.
The Harvard Business Review was founded.
The case method was established as the primary method of instruction.
Business School campus constructed.
First executive education program (Advanced Management Program) held — a group of sixty executives and recently demobilized veterans.
Women graduates of the Harvard-Radcliffe Program in Business Administration were admitted to the second year of the MBA program.
Harvard Business Publishing was formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard University.
1997 to 2017
Global Research Centers opened in Silicon Valley; other regional research centers were opened in Asia-Pacific (1999), Latin America (2000), Japan (2002), Europe (2003), India (2006), Istanbul (2013), and Johannesburg (2017).
Harvard Business School Online founded.
2021 to Present
2010 to 2020
2005 to 2010

Jay O. Light
PhD 1970
1995 to 2005

Kim B. Clark
PhD 1978
1980 to 1995

MBA 1959, DBA 1963
1970 to 1980

Lawrence E. Fouraker
1962 to 1970

George Pierce Baker
1955 to 1962

Stanley F. Teele
MBA 1930
1942 to 1955

Donald K. David
MBA 1919
1919 to 1942

Wallace Brett Donham
1908 to 1919

Edwin Francis Gay