Email Signature

If you want to add a signature to your Harvard Business School emails, we recommend a text based format (matching signature and body font). Do not include images as they can occasionally lead to emails being misidentified as spam. See below for a text example you can copy and paste, as well as some Dos and Don’ts.

Sample Signature

In the same font as your message text:

Title, Department
Building 000 (if needed)
Harvard Business School
Soldiers Field
Boston, MA 02163

phone: 000.000.0000
cell (if needed): 000.000.0000

she/her/hers (optional)


(all items and blank lines are optional)

  • Use the same font as you are using for your message. ("Title, Department" line may appear in italic.)

  • Use black. (Links may adopt the default system color.)

  • Labels may be changed. Labels may appear in italic.

  • Pronouns may appear anywhere within signature.


  • Do not use colors other than black or introduce bold. (Links may adopt the default system color.)

  • Do not attempt to use text to reference any logos.

  • Do not introduce additional design elements (such as rules).

  • Do not put multiple items on one line (except as shown in the sample above).

  • Do not include images (these can occasionally lead to emails being misidentified as spam).