Commercial Videotaping & Photography

Commercial videotaping and still photography on the Harvard Business School campus and within its buildings by outside agencies is not allowed without permission from the School’s Marketing & Communications office.

Any individual, agency, or organization wishing to take still photographs or video b-roll of the outside of Harvard Business School property for production, broadcast, or public dissemination must also obtain prior permission from the Marketing & Communications office.

On rare occasions, photography and video may be allowed in classrooms provided permission is granted by Marketing & Communications, as well as the faculty member, and all students involved. For specific guidelines relating to recording in our classrooms, review the Capturing and Disseminating Video/Photography During Classroom Activities policy.

Any individual who appears and is identified in a video or photo must sign our Appearance Release Form, which can be obtained from Marketing & Communications.

For media and news requests, email Mark Cautela, Head of Communications.

For all other video or photography requests, email Robin Passias, Director of Digital Media & Marketing Projects.

Harvard Business School reserves the right to refuse to grant permission for any reason, including the potential disruption of academic, research, business or student activities; damage to School property; disruption of traffic or parking; or potential safety hazards.

For more information, review Harvard University’s policy.