Map & Directions

Before Visiting Campus

We encourage all visitors and guests coming to campus to be up to date on their coronavirus vaccinations and boosters, and we ask that you do not come to campus if you are sick, have been asked to quarantine or isolate, or have tested positive within the past 5 days. Masks are optional and available at many locations throughout the HBS campus.

Directions by Car

From Logan Airport: Follow signs for I-90 West (Massachusetts Turnpike/Ted Williams Tunnel). Take I-90 West to exit #20 for Brighton/Cambridge. See below.

From west of Boston: Take I-90 East (Massachusetts Turnpike) to exit #18 for Allston/Cambridge. See below.

From north and south of Boston: Take I-93 (North or South) to exit #20 for I-90 West (Massachusetts Turnpike). Take I-90 West to exit #20 for Brighton/Cambridge. See below.

From I-90 (Massachusetts Turnpike) (see above for exit numbers): After the tollbooth, bear right toward Cambridge. Continue through the first set of lights and get in the left lane. Turn left onto Soldiers Field Road just past the second set of lights and before the bridge. Turn left on to Western Avenue at the first stoplight. Enter the campus through the Kresge Way or Batten Way entrances on the right.

What address should I use for GPS or Ride Share?
111 Western Avenue, Boston, MA 02163
(Note: do not use this address for mail.)

Directions to Harvard Business Publishing


The parking booth for the main parking lot is located off of Batten Way near Spangler Center. Visitor parking should be arranged by an employee in the days prior to a visit.

Metered parking is available in the Pagliuca Harvard Life Lab lot off of Western Avenue and in the Soldiers Field Park Garage off of Kresge Way.

There is a private parking garage a short walk away at the corner of North Harvard Street and Western Avenue.

Directions by Rapid Transit

Coming by MBTA, take the Red Line to Harvard Square. John F. Kennedy Street runs through the center of Harvard Square. Walk south on John F. Kennedy Street, crossing over the Charles River on the Anderson Bridge. The Harvard Business School is on the left, after the bridge. Take the first entrance leading into the campus.

The #66 bus runs down JFK Street and North Harvard Street between Harvard Square and Western Avenue.

Mailing Address

Harvard Business School
Soldiers Field
Boston, MA 02163

What address should I use for GPS or Ride Share?

Gender Inclusive Restrooms

114 Western Avenue (3)
25 Travis Street (4)
Aldrich Hall
Baker Library | Bloomberg Center (11)
Batten Hall
Cash House (2)
Chao Center (4)
Chase Hall
Class of 1959 Chapel (2)
Cotting House
Dillon House (2)
Gallatin Hall (2)
Hamilton Hall (2)
Hawes Hall
Klarman Hall
Loading Dock (2)
Ludcke House
McCulloch Hall (2)
Mellon Hall (2)
Morgan Hall (18)
Morris Hall
Spangler Center
Tata Hall (3)
Teele Hall (4)
Wilder House
Wyss House (3)

Lactation Rooms

25 Travis Street
Aldrich Hall
Cumnock Hall
Spangler Center (2)
Teele Hall