Adi Nes

Untitled (Job and Friends), 2006

Adi Nes (Israeli, born 1968), Untitled (Job and Friends), 2006, chromogenic print, 38 x 48 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2008.6.

"When I started the project four years ago, I wondered what happens after everything's been erased. If I ignore that I'm gay, I ignore that I grew up in a Sephardic family, I ignore that I grew up in a development town, I ignore that I'm an artist—what is the main thing in my own identity? I thought that the first layer that would exist is Judaism—that I can't run away from my Jewish identity. But when I finished the project, I found a different answer. I found that humanity, friendship, and being generous and compassionate, these are the last things that I have as a human being."—Adi Nes