Adam Marnie
Recursion (1/2) II, 2014

Adam Marnie (American, born 1977), Recursion (1/2) II, 2014, inkjet color print mounted on drywall, 60 x 40 x 1/2 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2014.5.
" The Recursions (2013-2014) stem from earlier works in which I mounted inkjet photographs of flowers onto drywall framed behind glass, or directly onto the wall. In the Recursions, the flowers as well as the camera are digitally replaced with a pure red color. Two vertical sections have been removed, which brings forward the site wall as a visual element within the frame of the work. The cut edge of the removals highlights the connection of the work to the site: drywall on wall."—Adam Marnie