Shai Kremer

View of a Minefield, Abandoned Syrian Base, Golan Heights, 2007

Shai Kremer (Israeli, born 1974), View of a Minefield, Abandoned Syrian Base, Golan Heights, 2007, chromogenic print, 22 x 28 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2008.9.

"The image was taken at an abandoned Syrian base in the Golan Heights. This site, like many in the Golan, is surrounded by mine fields, since Israel did not clean the area totally following the conflicts in 1967 and 1973. For this reason, the area is indeed considered one of the most "infected" landscapes in the Middle East.The window functions as a metaphor. It allows viewers to see the reality of the land and at the same time to reflect upon this reality as a mirror."—Shai Kremer