Sky Glabush

where is nature?, 2016

Sky Glabush (Canadian, born 1970), where is nature?, 2016, woven cotton and wool with acrylic paint, 48 x 40 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2017.6.

Born in British Columbia, Sky Glabush lives and works in London, Ontario, Canada where he teaches studio art at Western University. Glabush describes this work of art: “Weaving is a means of both creating the material surface of painting while also exploring its relationship to textiles. What began as an investigation into the support of painting—not simply accepting the default material of canvas or linen but trying to create my own—has become an increasingly integral part of my practice. Weaving is time-consuming and laborious. It echoes ritualistic and meditative traditions and is often a form of labor that is unnoticed or undervalued. In these woven paintings, I am interested in exploring the connections within modernist painting to both the large ideas of space and time, but also the smaller, everyday connections to say a table-cloth or a blanket.”