Jim Dow

The Marilyn Motel, Miracle Mile, AZ 77, Tucson, AZ, 1980 (printed later)

Jim Dow (American, born 1942), The Marilyn Motel, Miracle Mile, AZ 77, Tucson, AZ, 1980 (printed later), chromogenic print, 20 x 24 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2002.7.

"It is easy to lose sight of just how broad, expansive and diverse the look of this country is if you are consistently subjected to the flattening imperatives of the interstate, frequent flying, or the Travel Section. When you get beyond such institutions, you are far more likely to discover that countless individuals have left their mark on both the internal and external landscape in myriad fascinating ways. I try to preserve these miracles by photographing them with as much attention to the details of fabricating a picture as the original proprietor paid to the site in the first place."—Jim Dow