T.M. Dossett (a.k.a. Ed McGowin)

T.M. Dossett (a.k.a. Ed McGowin) (American, born 1938), Philadelphia, 1996, felt on canvas, 37 x 58 in. Schwartz Art Collection, Harvard Business School, 2006.4.
"In October 1971 I had my name changed in the Washington, DC courts to Thornton M. Dossett. Dossett's work has been directed at creating a personal visual language in the narrative form. The Dossett work refers in large part to race relations and the issues and events surrounding race relations that I witnessed growing up in the South. The contradictions, irony, fear, anger, etc., that effected me as a white male in a society that was going through a profound and fundamental change is something that I feel compelled to express. The positives and negatives of two cultures totally unique in our country, one enslaved the other defeated and occupied, coming together to create a culture we call 'Southern.'" —TM Dossett