Why We Recruit is a series of interviews with our recruiting partners covering everything from their experience working with HBS to what they would like students to know. Each week, we will release a new interview that dives into a unique perspective on recruiting.

Name, Title and Organization: 
Catherine Curtis, Global Recruiting Manager, Innosight

Describe your organization in three to five sentences.
Innosight is a growth strategy consulting firm that helps leading organizations to design and create the future, instead of being disrupted by it. We work with clients across a wide range of industries to identify new growth opportunities, build new ventures and capabilities, and accelerate organizational change. Founded by HBS professor Clay Christensen, our cofounder and several of our Partners are also alumni, including our Managing Partner and President. We have offices in Lexington, MA, Switzerland and Singapore.

How long has your organization been recruiting at Harvard Business School and what roles do you hire for?
We have recruited at HBS since 2005.  We hire full-time Associates in the Fall and Summer Associates in the Winter. We also look at HBS alumni year-round for experienced hire opportunities.

Would you be willing to speak to how you connect with alumni for experienced hire opportunities that might be relevant to fellow recruiting partners?
Many candidates reach out to [HBS alumni] for information and for interview prep.  We also have an Alumni Network via LinkedIn that keeps past employees connected to the Firm and any big news. 

What recruiting tactics have you found most successful in engaging with students and/or alumni at HBS?
Innosight successfully recruits HBS talent in a variety of ways. We have recruited some very strong candidates at the Company Information Day and following Meet & Greet session. Company Appointments are also a great way to have meaningful and in-depth discussions. This year, we’re excited to engage with students at an Industry Education Presentation. HBS Alumni are integral to our on-campus efforts! They are our best ambassadors, since they can speak to how HBS prepares you for a career at Innosight.   

Give us your elevator pitch – what is the one thing students should know about working for you?
We are a growth strategy consulting firm, so our consultants are immersed in dynamic project work that is focused on envisioning and building new platforms for business growth. Our focus on helping clients design and create the future means that you will learn and master skills that blend creativity and analytical rigor and that are designed to deal with tomorrow’s world, not yesterdays’. Our culture is highly collaborative, and our aim is to build capabilities – both for our clients and employees.

Is there anything else you would like to share with fellow recruiters or those who are new to recruiting with HBS?
HBS recruits are dynamic, well prepared and a pleasure to work with!