
We recommend INCLUDING local subnavigation for:

1. multiple pages that explain a step-by-step process

2. data sets that are likely to be explored systematically

When local subnavigation is warranted the following patterns should be utilized:


Left Navigation

Relating Local Subnavigation to Page Heads

A helpful rule of thumb to remember is that if local subnavigation (style shown immediately above) appears below the primary color field, all links shown should be subordinate to the primary page head. For instance, on this page the primary page head represents the level above all local subnavigation shown in the left sidebar and the active page is shown as the secondary page head (in smaller black type below the primary page head).



On teal pages, the tab off-state (when appearing at the bottom of the primary color field) may be #00897b instead of black. On light blue pages, the tab off-state (when appearing at the bottom of the primary color field) may be #3684b9 instead of black.